Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Don't Hassel Me I'm Local...

This is just a snippet, a sheer every pun intended mouth wet of a taste of what my steroid mood swings are like... God bless every one's soul who is with in a mile radius of me. My mom calls me "2 bite Heather" because for two bites its amazing... but as for after that I remember that the snoozeberries just aren't going to taste like snoozeberries no matter how great it is. I have never been a picky eater, I'll try anything once, now I LOVE IT!!!!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! (soft voice) I'm sorry.... It's Crazy. "Fay I see salt and pepper... is there a salt substitute?" I am staying at a steady losing one or two lbs., but don't worry the doctor says," The steroids are making your face round, common effect." He says this with a smug smile because for him this means the medicine is doing it's job! My vision gets blurred and I slip into some twisted delusion of my Dr. as Cher and I as Rocky Dennis from the movie Mask. With my red hair, prickly heat rash, rounder than the sun face saying "These things are good.. ice cream cake, a ride on a Harley, seeing monkeys in the trees, the rain on my tongue, and the sun shining on my face. These things are a drag dust in my hair, holes in my shoes, no money in my pocket, and the sun shining on my face." If you've never seen the it, CLASSIC BAY CITY.  My fingers wont stop typing so I am forced to move on to yet another inception of stories with in stories... steroids.I am snapped back to the meeting with the doctor when he says , " Are you losing control of your bladder or bowels yet?" I'm sorry... WHAT?..... No.... Should I be expecting that? He informs me that with all the combined treatment it may be inevitable. ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS! So with a yeast infection in my throat.. and my own SNL commercial of "Oops I Crapped My Pants" I am seriously just running over Justin Timberlake with my Cancer Mack Truck and single handed bringing sexy back my self. In my home ... I would like you to call me Dr. Leo Marvin.

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