Monday, June 11, 2012

Ode to Red Bull & Cherry Jack
Are you there Heather? We just don't know what to do with ourselves. It's us... your old pals.. BFF's ... companions.. stress relievers... relaxant... your partners in crime... your best audience... the ones that laugh at all your jokes... the ones that dry your tears when you cry... back you up in a fight... make everything you stand for justified... We thought we had a special kind of relationship. Where did you go? You just walked out of our lives. The workers at the store called us they were a tad worried when no one had bought any Cherry Jack Rum. Your liver wrote a letter to Congress stating we need to set out a Cherry Alert... Red Zone with sobriety. Red Bull is trying to get a new negative zero calorie drink going because they are panicked about the lack of sales since you went under the radar. Oh... Cancer. well hey... that explains it. Take your time.... get better. We understand and know that if and when you are ever ready again... we are here.. not knowing what to do with ourselves. Newport called we have a date tomorrow night for happy hour to discuss the heavy recent events. If you think we are bad.... u should hear the Newports. Absolutely distraught because they know that unlike us , they will never share your company again. So listen take care of yourself we will be here if the time comes again. Until then... we will never never forget the wild and crazy nights that we had... along with anyone else I'm sure! XoXo - Red Bull & Cherry Jack

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